Archive for the ‘Logos’ Category

This is an image I made a while ago for Nicky Boss’ myspace layout flash banner, then he came to me saying he’d like it to be the logo, so I remade it in a vector format so that Nicky can use it for whatever he likes from backs of CD’s to Billboards. Obviously some […]

RnG T-shirts


Here’s the design for the front of the t-shirt. On the back will have the DJ names.

Instead of some plain RNG show text I got sent through, I thought I’d spend some time re-creating it into something a little more interesting… This will be part of a t-shirt design for the team. Note: Not yet confirmed.

A rant… and thoughts on musicians who waste there talent because spending any money on eye catching digital art and design it’s such a depressing thing to think about doing… Waste of a talent.

This Cleveland artist has been on the grind for a long time now, and he’s finally getting the chance to put all his energy into his music thanks to him leaving the Army. His new myspace layout is up and running, which means hes placing a lot of time and money into promoting his mixtape; […]

in the spotlight: Demoni Entertainment pendant design